A Message from Pastor Beth Appel

We welcome all who choose to worship in person at 9:30am in the sanctuary. Our service may also be viewed on Facebook Live. Children are welcome to attend Sunday School during the second half of the worship service in the social hall. Adult Sunday School is held in the sanctuary immediately following the worship service.

Worship Service

9:30 AM

The Sanctuary

Adult Sunday School

10:45 AM

The Social Hall

O come, let us sing unto the LORD: let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation. -Psalm 95:1

Who We Are

Among the oldest congregations in York County, Chanceford Presbyterian Church was established in 1751. Nestled in the scenic, rolling hills and farmland of Lower Chanceford Township, our building features some of the most beautiful stained glass windows and unique late 19th century architecture in the county. The granite structure houses an inspirational sanctuary for all who worship there each Sunday. 

Regardless of its 260 plus years of history, our worship reflects a vibrant blend of traditional and contemporary music. Our warm and welcoming congregation is often noted by visitors. Our membership consists of a substantial number of farming families along with professionals, business people and educators. A growing number of young singles and families have become evident the past few years, thereby creating a wonderful span of age groups.

What We Believe

  • God is one God in three persons: Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.

  • We are a “God-visited” planet; that is, through the person of Jesus Christ, God revealed himself to all humanity through Jesus’ own humanity.

  • Jesus Christ lived, died and was raised from the dead for our sake. All who believe in him receive new and eternal life through him.

  • All followers of Christ are members of his Body and are called to be ministers in his name.

  • We, the Church of Jesus Christ, are called by him to demonstrate his love to the world by reaching out to those in need and thereby proclaim the good news of God’s grace and salvation offered through Jesus Christ.

The Labyrinth

Our newest addition to the church grounds was completed in 2022 by the Eagle Scouts on June 4th and dedicated during worship on Pentecost Sunday. The central bench was donated by Scout Troop 811 in memory of Jim Crowl who was an active member of our turn. Everyone is welcome to walk the labyrinth at any time.

What is a labyrinth?

A labyrinth is a winding path, usually within a circular design, which is used as a tool for mediation or prayer. It differs from a maze in that there are no dead ends and no choice about which way to turn. You simply follow the path, which curves around and back and forth, until you get ot the center. At the center you can stop to rest or pray before journeying back out using the same path in reverse. The process of walking a labyrinth can help you to relax your mind and open your spirit to new insights and answer to prayer.

Ask for the ancient paths, where the good way lies. Walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls. - Jeremiah 6:16